Film and TV have always brought me joy. As an avid consumer of both mediums, my brain has become a cinematic library. I constantly find myself reciting quotes from my favorite movies and shows.
In High School, I took a media communications course, which gave me the groundwork to begin creating digital videos. It started with music videos and capturing moments with my friends, and expanded over time to become extra credit projects, rap videos, promotional videos and hype videos.
In an economics class in college, I was given the extra credit opportunity to demonstrate in a creative way that I understood specific topics from the curriculum. Looking to boost my grade, I broke down my understanding of these topics into a rap song. I created a beat, recorded the song, and then directed, starred, and edited the music video. Almost the entire class made some type of creative way to explain their understanding, but my video was the only project shared with the whole class. And, has been shared with many classes since.
Lately, I have been making videos for all sorts of different reasons. I often will use a video to promote or hype an event I am throwing, or commemorate a special occasion with a skit or music video. Making videos is my favorite way of expressing myself, and I look forward to continuing to create for many years to come.